Simon Lizotte Q&A Video 1: Personal Questions

Simon Lizotte

Thank you for all your excellent questions! In this first video I will answer all of the personal questions that you have asked me. The list of the questions that I will answer in the video is:

  1. How do you deal with travelling so much? Would you ever consider living in the USA full-time? (FROSTY)
  2. How many different languages can you speak? (Austin & Drew)
  3. What are your favorite sports besides disc golf? (Logan)
  4. What's your favorite breakfast? (Terry)
  5. If it wasn't for disc golf, what would you have studied? In what subjects where you very good at in school? (Jjaacco)
  6. What’s your opinion on maintaining a romantic relationship while striving to be the best disc golfer you can possibly be? (Rebecca)
  7. Who or what is your biggest inspiration for playing disc golf and to pursue it as a career? (Cameron)
  8. Trump or Clinton? (Ross)
  9. What podcasts/public figures outside of disc golf do you keep up with? (Scott)

Stay tuned! There will be other exciting videos coming on Dreampions soon with more Q&A, many practical tipps and you will be even able to watch my first backhand throw in five months and live through the emotions with me!

Let me know in the comments how you like the video and if you would like to see more!
Yours, Simon

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