An injury in my right knee forced me to take a long break this year. It was during a 360 monster distance throw that I hurt my leg and I have since been working on recovering.
Thank you for all your questions on my health and your good wishes for my fastest possible return. Trust me, I am working on it.
These are the questions I will answer in the 2nd Q&A video:
How is the rehab going? (Zach)
When will you be back? (Zach)
Has your injury changed the way you think about disc golf? (Jonne)
Is there something that you will do differently in your routine and your game than before the injury? (Jonne & Jordan)
Are you going to continue those crazy monster distance throws? (Umesh & Jordan)
Where are you right now? (Jim)
And finally, you will be able to watch me go back to practice after a very long break.
I very much look forward seeing you all again on the tour next year! I will share my tour plan with you soon.