Anna’s New York Blog in September – An amazing road trip to Canada

Anna Budeyri

© Anna Budeyri

Like for August, I would still like to stick to road trip theme – being on the road is something I will never get enough of… :) I've always liked road trips for the fact that this type of travel is very spontaneous. You can never plan the timing or “the content” of the road trip for 100 percent. Sometimes we even decided to go on a short road trip just an hour before we depart. I love that we can easily adjust to the flow of the trip – we decide how busy we want to be depending on how much energy we have. Another important reason why I like road trips is that it gives our dog Abbey an opportunity to travel. She enjoys it so much and it seems very unfair when we travel by plane and cannot take her with us…

Early September, it was road trip time again: We travelled by car to Canada where neither my husband nor I had been before. This was a trip we had been dreaming about for some time. Normally, we only travel for a weekend. This time we took a whole week off so we could really explore our destination.

We started off from NYC and drove slowly in the direction of Canada with stops every 1-1.5 hours. The three major stops we made were: Saratoga Springs, Burlington and Killington. Each of these towns had a special appeal and they will be in our minds for long time.

After Burlington we went straight to Montreal. Once we crossed the border, it became surprisingly obvious that we were in a different country: Road signs were in French, miles became km, US dollars became Canadian dollards, etc. And we liked it a lot! It took us less than 6 hours to reach a completely different world.

For this trip we only visited Montreal to save other Canadian cities for later. We stayed in Montreal for a few days and we believe we really managed to understand the vibe of the city and we definitely fell in love with it. There is an unlimited number of reasons why we liked the place. My favorite impressions were: This is just a short summary of the trip, we obviously saw much more than I can write about here. Anyway, a road trip to Canada is something I will definitely keep repeating again and again!

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