Simon Lizotte Video: In my Room

Simon Lizotte

Zur deutschen Version

What's in my bag? Anyone looking around at You Tube will hardly get past this type of videos. Every beauty vlogger offers (at least) one video, which gives an accurate overview of the inner life of her handbag. Whether Selena Gomez or Hollywood star Jessica Alba, whether Paul McBeth or Ricky Wysocki, all have opened their bags - and also Simon Lizotte has already given some insight into his disc golf bag with his famous In My Bag videos.
Today he goes a step further: Instead of "What's in my bag?" it is now "What's in my room?"

Shortly before leaving Germany and returning to the disc golf World Tour in the States Simon invites you into the room, where he spent most of his youth and the last six months during his injury-related break. And there is a lot to see: Apart from a special sleeping blanket, there are plenty of discs, trophies and personal memorabilia, all of which are connected with a story. You will be surprised to learn, which training possibilities a normal bedroom offers, and there is more.

Have fun with Simon Lizotte in his room:

"In my room?" is only one of the new videos that Dreampions and Simon Lizotte recorded during his injury break. In the next few weeks there will be several more interesting and often funny videos with the Disc Golf Star, and each of them is special in a certain way.

Look forward to Simon Lizotte's reactions as he watches a video of his youth and listen to his personal stories about his favorite trophies and discs. Be part of a special disc golf putting training that takes place in the garden of Simon Lizotte's parents' house and much more.

If you do not want to miss a video and no article from Simon Lizotte and have also interest in other people, who (like Simon) pursue exiting life dreams, subscribe to our newsletter and our You Tube channel.

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