5 reasons why you should start playing Headis as of today

Cornelius Döll

© Headis Trendsports UG

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Recently, I read that articles on the Internet are more frequently clicked when they offer 5 reasons, methods, or solutions, and let the reader understand that he really needs to act urgently.

Well, ... apparently it seems to have worked.

But now to the actual topic: In this first post of my article series on Dreampions I would like to inspire you to try Headis – for everyone who already played it possibly the coolest sport there is right now. For all those who have not known it before, Headis can be described as a match in which 2 players exchange head-balls on a ping-pong table. But in fact one must have seen it to really understand:

You can find more videos on my profile, with a HeadisSports subscription and, of course, directly via YouTube).

And this leads me to my 5 reasons to start Headis right now, which hopefully create curiosity among newcomers as well as help experienced players to continue persuading their friends to join in:

1. Headis is spectacular to watch
The success of our videos on YouTube clearly shows that Headis is already of great appeal to the public. More than 150 million people have watched the spectacular rally during the world championships in January, partially a result of its success in Facebook. Comments on Facebook clearly indicate that Headis is quite awe inspiring. We see the same reaction when people watch us play live for the first time – they are surprised at first, then excited and finally they see Headis as incredibly spectacular and cool. There is something surprising happening almost every minute: During offensive play a player may suddenly kneel on the table to smash the volley, and the long ball exchanges often find a surprising end with a ball merely hitting the edge of the table.

2. Headis is fun and easy to learn
Watching Headis is fun, but playing is even more so. This is my story: In 2012, a fellow student invited me to come along to a Headis practice at the Sporthochschule Cologne, my university. Luckily, I did not have any other plans that day, because that was the start of my career as a player. Until that day, I had never even heard the name 'Headis', and I did not know at all what this sport was all about. As I like to play soccer and had been familiar with the head-ball techniques I just went along. I immediately found Headis really cool and from the first minute it was incredibly fun. By the way, this is one of the advantages of Headis: You get into the sport very quickly. Of course, you need different techniques later at a more competitive level but you can start playing and having fun from day one.

3. The Headis community is unmatched
Now I have talked about 'fun' twice, and even today, as a world champion, fun is still the most important thing to me. The sport itself is great and since many of my friends play it as wee, we just have a great time together. Right from the beginning, the cordial atmosphere in the Headis community felt special and surprising to me – and this feeling never changed. As a new player, I have been accepted with open arms and I immediately realized that this was an incredibly nice community. After the second or third tournament, I was familiar with all the people who regularly played and made great friends. The atmosphere at the tournaments is a very casual and friendly – stated more clearly: We play hard and party hard.

4. Headis keeps you in shape
For the sport and the party afterwards you need to be in good shape – and Headis clearly keeps you in shape. In a recent study, table tennis, badminton and Headis were compared to each other as to how strenuous they are. The result was that Headis placed much higher demands on the personal fitness because one must use the whole body. You have to hunker down very deep, jump on the table in the next moment and be on your feet again quickly. After 20 to 30 minutes of committed play everyone is usually soaking wet. This complete workout is better than going to the gym and at the same time much cheaper. The Austrian singer Reinhard Fendrich found the right words in a song – although this admittedly was popular a couple of decades ago: "Long live the sport, it is healthy and makes us hard. It gives us strength, it gives us energy. It is popular with old and young. "

5. Headis makes you a trendsetter
A few years ago, Headis was just a fun idea: A few students played table tennis with their heads. Today, the German TV-shows with Stefan Raab and the YouTube videos have already dramatically increased popularity of Headis. The Headis organization around its inventor Rene Wegner has successfully expanded our sport into several European countries and is currently very active in marketing Headis in China, which is a natural fit because of its fascination for table tennis.

If Headis were traded at the stock market, one could argue that it has already gone up well but still has a lot of potential. This is exactly how I see Headis today. Through the videos, we have taken the first steps. Still, there is a lot of work to do until Headis is played in more clubs by even more people until we will have really international championships – and can expect them to be broadcasted on television.

Wouldn't it be great, if you would contribute to this growth and later ob be able to say that you were a part of the early days?

My personal dream is definitely to contribute to making Headis even more popular. I am really looking forward to telling you about this dream, my most emotional Headis moments and some of my success techniques in my next articles on Dreampions.

Until then - take care,
Cornelius alias Headsinfarkt

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